I guess couples out there always have a list of questions to ask themselves when they have doubts on relationship but is this " the one" The one that you been waiting for, it's never easy to find someone that is "the one" But how are we going to know if which one is the right one?
Instead of constantly over thinking , i think the best way is sit down and start asking yourself a few questions instead...
1. Do you completely trust each other?
I always feel that it always take time to trust someone and let the person in.
2. When you think of your partner, do you smile?
If you're smiling that mean you still in love with your partner , if you aren't that mean there's problem lies between the relationship. "Never hang on into a relationship, when it doesn't give you happiness"
3. Do you enjoy spending time with your partner?
If you are thinking of lasting relationship, if you aren't enjoying it. I doubt you would like to spend your rest of your life with that partner!
4.Do you feel that your partner accepts you?
Love you the way you are. Don't even mind what kind of person you used to be.
5.Are you excited about your future together?
Excited to conquer any problems together? Willing to see your partner's face for the rest of your life?
well i hope it's help , as i do often sit down and think about it, till then x.